
How Do You Keep A Person Suffering From Dementia From Falling Out Of Bed

Q My mom has fallen out of bed several times recently.  She doesn't know why or what happens, only that she just ends up on the floor.  She likewise has minor dementia, and she needs help when walking. What tin can I do to help? -Kelly

A.  Thanks for your question, Kelly!  Falling out of bed may sound like an unusual experience to hear about an older person.It's oft thought of as an issue for young children, but surprisingly and unfortunately, falling out of bed is an issue for older adults also.

Falling is the number one crusade for fracture in the elderly.  Many times, a fracture will pb to a cascading decline in mobility and part.  Finding methods to limit falling, without restraining or inhibiting of import functional mobility, is disquisitional.

The post-obit are reasons why a person may autumn out of bed:

  • Changes in mobility, such as a recent surgery or stroke.
  • Illness: Many illnesses can cause weakness which makes getting in or out of the bed difficult.
  • A person has a new bed which is college or lower than information technology was previously.
  • A person has new bed coverings which are slicker than the previous bedding.
  • New night fourth dimension clothing which are slicker than the onetime wear.
  • New night time wear which clings to the bedding and causes increased difficulty with move on or off the bed.
  • New Sleeping Environment: Sleeping on a new bed, on the different side of the bed, dissimilar lighting, or changes in nearby piece of furniture.
  • Recent medication changes which accept affected how deeply a person is sleeping or causes grogginess upon waking.
  • Incontinence: If a person has the urge to use the bathroom or needs to rush to the bathroom to prevent an accident, then the risk of falling out of bed increases.
  • Sundowners: Many older adults with dementia will suffer from a condition known as sundowners in which fatigue causes increasing confusion at the finish of the 24-hour interval.
  • Eyesight Related Issues: New corrective wearable which isn't fitting or working properly, such as a new pair of bifocals when the person didn't wearable them previously. Maybe worsening eyesight from conditions such every bit glaucoma, macular degeneration, or cataracts.
  • Republic of benin Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Poor environmental lighting.

One simple trick to prevent a person from falling out of bed (without restraining them or using bed track) is to utilize a elementary water noodle.  Only identify the water noodle along the within of the mattress pad or canvass.  (For those with young children, this tip may also be particularly useful if you are transitioning a young child into a bed without railings for the first time.)


Sometimes as a person ages or becomes more than confused or frail, we desire to discourage them from getting in or out of bed without assistance.  This may be an advisable time to utilize the "water noodle technique" (every bit I telephone call it).  The thought is to simply provide a minor bulwark (a reminder) of where the edge of the bed is located and that the person shouldn't exist attempting to go out of bed without calling for assistance.

For some, this minor barrier is all that is needed to actually physically limit his/her ability to get in and out of bed without assistance.  This serves as a temporary solution while the person is recovering from or modifying the underlying reason why he/she is at elevated take a chance of falling out of bed.

The h2o noodle as well provides a subtle physiological barrier.  When the body is moving, information technology subconsciously feels the barrier and tends to non proceed whatsoever further in that direction.  I accept witnessed the h2o noodle technique work repeatedly in homes (with both adults and children) and nursing homes with great success.

Kelly also mentions that her mother is having difficulty with dementia and walking. Unless the mother'due south dementia is and then astringent (like she is actually losing her ability to walk or she tin can't follow any time of direction), she may be a good candidate for physical therapy handling. Depending on the situation, she may do good by going to an outpatient facility for concrete therapy or she may qualify for habitation wellness physical therapy. I strongly encourage yous to seek a physical therapist who is an expert with gait (walking) and rest physical therapy or who had experience in geriatric related physical therapy care. Y'all can search for specific providers here: American Physical Therapy Clan (APTA)

In add-on, Kelly, you lot may be interested in reviewing my prior posts on balance related bug, How Do I Amend Balance? (Role I) and How Do I Improve Balance? Role II. Good luck, and thanks for your question.

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How Do You Keep A Person Suffering From Dementia From Falling Out Of Bed,


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